Awareness Package

  • Google Analytics installed on every page on your website.
  • Initial Goal tracking – have up to 3 goals set up and measured on your website – this is the real muscle behind Google Analytics; allowing you to see what is creating the most results from your online promotion efforts.
  • Regular reports – Since you’re too busy to login to an analytics account and see what’s going on in there, you’ll get regular reports, weekly or monthly that will arrive directly to your inbox.
  • Website audit – I’ll review your website and make recommendations on what goals to track to generate more business.
  • Baseline report – I’ll review your website data after 30 days and give you an honest assessment of how your website is doing right now. The number of visitors, where they come from, how you’re being found and if website visitors are finding what they need or leaving before having a chance to absorb your main marketing messages

Regular $300 USD
Save $50 today: only $250 USD
