What is Context Marketing?

Graphic of my definition of context relating to marketing


A lot has been said about the benefits of content marketing these days, but what about context marketing?

Context Marketing for Small Business

Context is where you not only have specific information, but also how it relates to other information as well.

Take your website for instance.

You can have a particular blog post that has a call to action at the very end, perhaps it’s a contact form. It’s possible to have a form that keeps track of how many people see it (an impression) as well as the number who actually complete it and submit the form as a conversion.

This in itself is great information to have, but the contextual information is even more important when you’re running a business.

  1. Where did the visitor come from before they filled out my form?
  2. What other pages did they look at before filling out my form?
  3. How much time did they spend on my site before filling out the form?
  4. Was this their first visit to my website, or the last step in a long chain of visits?

The answers to these questions will not only validate the work your marketing team is currently doing, but also help you narrow down the activities that are resulting in real results for your business. When you isolate the specific actions that generate results, you can systematize them and ramp up efficiency dramatically.

This means more time and money for your business.

Having the context behind the actions that your visitors take while on your website allows you to answer these questions definitively rather than guessing or following whatever the trend of the moment is.

Good marketing means taking a specific action, collecting the feedback/results of that action and then refining future actions to become even more effective.

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“…there are far too many small businesses that are needlessly flailing in the dark without having the context necessary to make significant progress.” (Tweet This)

While context should be part of all marketing activities, in my experience is that there are far too many small businesses that are needlessly flailing in the dark without having the context necessary to make significant progress. (Tweet This)

Context means beginning with the end in mind; knowing what the end goal is before you start so that you can have the measurements in place to gauge your success as you go.

Everyone has access to this kind of intelligence about their website; there are no excuses with options like Google Analytics just waiting to be installed on your website.

Analytics can be intimidating for some, but the amount of leverage context brings to the actions that happen (or don’t happen) on your site is priceless.

A few well planned changes based on the hard data you get from analytics can make a huge impact on your business almost immediately.

Do you have analytics tracking on your website? Are you using it to make smart business decisions and improvements for your website and what it means for your business?

Want to learn more about how using analytics can help turn your website from a liability and into an asset?

Click below for your free copy of the Turn Your Website into an Asset report today.



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